A very functional idea in object orientated programming.


Memoization Using Inheritance

Using inheritance, you can call a base method from a derived class:

class Base {
    a() {
        console.log('Base Method A');

class Derived extends Base {
    b() {
        console.log('Derived Method B');

const derived = new Derived();

It’s also possible to do the opposite and call a derived method from a base class:

abstract class Base {
    a() {
        console.log('Base Method A');

    abstract b(): void

class Derived extends Base {
    b() {
        console.log('Derived Method B');

const derived = new Derived();

An interesting result is that the base and derived methods can call each other recursively:

class Base {
    method() {
        console.log('Base Method');

class Derived extends Base {
    method() {
        console.log('Derived Method');

const derived = new Derived();
derived.method(); // crashes or runs indefinitely

Say I have a recursive function that’s particularly slow to execute, for example a naive implementation of the Fibonacci sequence:

fib(n: number): number {
    return n === 0 || n === 1 ? 1 : fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1);

In the tradition of object orientated programming we can put that function into a class:

class Fib {
    call(n: number): number {
        return n === 0 || n === 1 ? 1 : this.call(n - 2) + this.call(n - 1);

const fib = new Fib();
// console.log(fib.call(100)); // will not terminate in any reasonable amount of time

One method to make this a lot faster is to memoize the function. Using inheritance, we can override the function and memoize it using a derived class:

class MemoFib extends Fib {
    store: Map<number, number> = new Map();

    call(n: number): number {
        const storedResult = this.store.get(n);
        if (storedResult !== undefined) {
            return storedResult;

        const result = super.call(n);
        this.store.set(n, result);
        return result;

const memoFib = new MemoFib();
console.log(memoFib.call(100)); // runs almost instantaneously

We can also reverse the inheritance hierarchy so the function inherits from memoize. This will have slightly different performance characteristics, but allow us to memoize any function we like:

class Memoize {
    store: Map<number, number> = new Map();

    call(n: number): number {
        const storedResult = this.store.get(n);
        if (storedResult !== undefined) {
            return storedResult;

        const result = this.call(n);
        this.store.set(n, result);
        return result;

class MemoFib extends Memoize {
    call(n: number): number {
        return n === 0 || n === 1 ? 1 : super.call(n - 2) + super.call(n - 1);

const memoFib = new MemoFib();

We could stop here, however, this method is limited. If Memoize inherits Fib, the memoize logic is limited to the Fibonacci function, and we have to replicate it for every function we want to memoize. If Fib inherits Memoize, then we can’t swap out the kind of memoization we want to use.

Overriding methods like this is called “Open Recursion”

To see this, we need to make some changes to our code. In OOP, a method call obj.method(arg) desugars to method(obj, arg). We can desugar the Fib class that way:

interface Fib {
    call(self: Fib, n: number): number;

const newFib = (): Fib => ({
    call: (self: Fib, n: number) => {
        return n === 0 || n === 1 ? 1 : self.call(self, n - 2) + self.call(self, n - 1);

The same can be done with the MemoFib class:

interface MemoFib extends Fib {
    superClass: Fib;
    store: Map<number, number>;

const newMemoFib = (): MemoFib => ({
    superClass: newFib(),
    store: new Map(),
    call: (self: MemoFib, n: number): number => {
        const storedResult = self.store.get(n);
        if (storedResult !== undefined) {
            return storedResult;

        const result = self.superClass.call(self, n);
        self.store.set(n, result);
        return result;

const memoFib = newMemoFib();
console.log(memoFib.call(memoFib, 0));
console.log(memoFib.call(memoFib, 10));
console.log(memoFib.call(memoFib, 100));

We can perform some simplifications to the code:

After applying these simplifications we get the following;

type Fib = (self: Fib, n: number) => number;

const fib = (self: Fib, n: number) => {
    return n === 0 || n === 1 ? 1 : self(self, n - 2) + self(self, n - 1);

const newMemoFib = (): Fib => {
    const store = new Map();
    return (self: Fib, n: number): number => {
        const storedResult = store.get(n);
        if (storedResult !== undefined) {
            return storedResult;

        const result = fib(self, n);
        store.set(n, result);
        return result;

const memoFib = newMemoFib();
console.log(memoFib(memoFib, 0));
console.log(memoFib(memoFib, 10));
console.log(memoFib(memoFib, 100));

Passing a function to another function like this is denoted “continuation passing” in functional languages, which essentially means passing a callback function as an argument.

We can perform a further simplification. Closures have access to themselves if we give them a name, so we shouldn’t need to pass self to self. We can remove the self argument from Fib that way:

type Fib = (n: number) => number;

const fib = (self: Fib, n: number) => {
    return n === 0 || n === 1 ? 1 : self(n - 2) + self(n - 1);

const newMemoFib = (): Fib => {
    const store = new Map();
    const memoized = (n: number): number => {
        const storedResult = store.get(n);
        if (storedResult !== undefined) {
            return storedResult;

        const result = fib(memoized, n);
        store.set(n, result);
        return result;
    return memoized;

const memoFib = newMemoFib();

newMemoFib can memoize anything if we pass it as an argument. We can also make a generic version of Fib over any argument or return value:

type Callable<A, R> = (arg: A) => R
type Memoizable<A, R> = (self: Callable<A, R>, arg: A) => R;

const fib: Memoizable<number, number> = (self, n) => {
    return n === 0 || n === 1 ? 1 : self(n - 2) + self(n - 1);

const factorial: Memoizable<number, number> = (self, n) => {
    return n === 0 ? 1 : self(n - 1) * n;

const newMemo = <A, R>(baseClass: Memoizable<A, R>): Callable<A, R> => {
    const store = new Map<A, R>();
    const memoized = (arg: A): R => {
        const storedResult = store.get(arg);
        if (storedResult !== undefined) {
            return storedResult;

        const result = baseClass(memoized, arg);
        store.set(arg, result);
        return result;
    return memoized;

const memoFib = newMemo(fib);

const memoFact = newMemo(factorial);

We see that newMemo is just a function that takes something that is memoizable and turns it into something callable. If I realize that my factorial function doesn’t perform any better with memoization, I can swap out newMemo with something else as long as it turns my memoizable function into something callable:

const newRecursive = <A, R>(baseClass: Memoizable<A, R>): Callable<A, R> => {
    const recursive = (arg: A): R => baseClass(recursive, arg);
    return recursive;

const memoFact = newRecursive(factorial);

Excellent. I can memoize any function that is memoizable, and I can swap out the kind of recursion I use. I no longer have any of the limitations of the inheritance version.

If you look at the type signature of Memoizable versus Callable, we can now understand the difference between open and closed recursion. Memoizable functions are “Open” and Callable functions are “Closed”. This is because Memoizable functions call themselves by argument, and Callable functions call themselves by name. Open recursion allows the caller to override the recursive call with whatever we want. In our case, we could override the recursive call with memoization.

Open versus closed recursion


It turns out maybe object orientated and functional programming have something in common. When methods are overridden in an inheritance hierarchy, this desugars to continuation passing. Functional programs that use continuation passing can be converted to objects using inheritance, and inheritance can be converted to open recursion.

This post was originally posted on Andrew’s Notepad

open recursion functional programming object orientated programming inheritance memoization javascript typescript java